Knightfall Farms
Forest Grove, Oregon

Our Chickens

Knightfall Farms has variety of rare and heritage breeds of poultry. Some of these birds, such as the crèvecœur, are critically endangered. Others, such as the dominique, a.k.a pilgrim fowl, are enjoying a comeback as poultry enthusiasts embrace these old world breeds.
Our chickens have free range of our farm.
  1. Crèvecœur
    Named from Crève-Coeur en Ange, a small town in Normandy, France, the breed’s name translates as “broken heart.” It is one of France's oldest breeds of poultry, initially developed for the quality of its flesh. Crèvecœurs have a distinctive v-shaped comb. Some estimates place less than one thousand of these birds left worldwide. Conservation Status: critical Eggs: medium to large, white
  2. Ancona
    A lively Mediterranean breed originating in the Marche region of Italy. Their plumage is a striking black, mottled with white. They are excellent fliers and are alert and quick. Conservation Status: watch Eggs: large, white
  3. Dominique
    Also known as "Pilgrim Fowl," the Dominique is considered America's first breed of chicken. They are descended from fowl the colonists brought from England. Dominiques can be distinguished from Barred Plymouth Rocks by their color pattern, which is more reminiscent of the "cuckoo" banding and by their distinctive rose comb. Conservation Status: watch Eggs: large, brown
  4. Wyandotte
    We have two varieties on the farm: Gold Laced and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. This American breed was developed in the 1870s, and was originally known as the American Sebright. They are a peaceful dual-purpose bird with docile dispositions. Conservation Status: graduated 2016 Eggs: large, brown
  5. Russian Orloff
    The Russian Orloff is the only Russian breed of chicken currently found in America. Count Orloff (Alexey Grigoryevich Orlov, 1737-1808) is credited with developing the breed. Russian Orloffs come in red, white, and spangled. Other colors used to exist, but are rarely, if ever, found anymore. At Knightfall Farms, we have the spangled version (pictured). Conservation Status: threatened Eggs: small, white
  6. Cream Legbar
    Cream Crested Legbars were developed in the early 20th century in England by crossbreeding Barred Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Cambars, and Araucanas. The focus was to create an autosexing breed where male and female day old chicks could be sexed by their color. Cream Legbars are excellent foragers and have a friendly, docile temperament. Conservation Status: watch Eggs: medium, blue
  7. Marans
    We have three color varieties of Marans: Black Copper, Black, and Cuckoo. Marans originated in France and are descended from feral "swamp" chickens and fighting game chickens carried from Indonesia and India. They were exported to the United Kingdom in the mid-20th century. Marans are famous for laying dark chocolate brown eggs, but also have fabulous temperaments. Elsie (pictured) is one of our Black Copper Marans hens. Conservation Status: N/A Eggs: large, chocolate brown
  8. Sicilian Buttercup
    Buttercups are named after a combination of golden buff coloring on the hens and a unique shaped comb. The comb is actually two single combs that merge in front and back giving the appearance of antlers or a crown. Although the origins are unknown, Sicilian farmers raised Buttercups for centuries before they were imported to the United States in 1835. Conservation Status: watch Eggs: small to medium, white
  9. Golden Campine
    Developed in Flanders centuries ago and supposedly descended from Turkish fowls, Julius Caesar is said to have taken Campine chickens home with him after he had completed a campaign in Belgium. Campines were first imported into the United States in the late 19th century. Although initially popular, Campines fell out of favor because they were found to be less hardy than other breeds. Conservation Status: critical Eggs: medium to large, white
  10. Cochin
    The Cochin is a very large breed with profuse feathering originating in China. They were first imported into the United States in the late 19th century. Cochins are noted for extremely gentle dispositions and are often referred to as "lap chickens." They are extremely cold weather hardy and are descent layers of large brown eggs. At Knightfall Farms we have black cochins and partridge cochins. Conservation Status: recovering Eggs: large, brown
  11. Langshan
    Named “Langshan” after the district around the Yangtszekiang River in China, from where the originated. The Langshan is a tall chicken, owing its stature to particularly long legs, but also to its deep body, which is unique to the breed. They are very docile, calm birds and good foragers. Langshans lay dark brown eggs that sometimes have a purplish tint. Conservation Status: watch Eggs: large, very dark brown
  12. Speckled Sussex
    The chickens of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey had the reputation of being the finest table-poultry, with white skin, legs, and feet and juicy, tender flesh. This breed was brought back from near extinction by a small group of poultry enthusiasts and imported to American in 1903. Hens are good layers of brown eggs and commonly lay throughout the winter months. Conservation Status: recovering Eggs: large, tan
  13. Polish
    A crested breed of poultry originating in Europe, possibly the Netherlands or Poland. The origins are uncertain, but the breed could have been named from the Middle Dutch word pol, meaning "head." Currently, Polish are bred as show birds, but were originally valued as productive egg layers. Conservation Status: watch Eggs: medium to large, white
  14. Light Brahma
    A very large bird with heavy feathering on shanks and toes. This breed was developed in America in the mid-19th century from large fowls imported from China via the port of Shanghai. Brahmas are very hardy and good egg layers. Up until the 1930s when the commercial poultry industry kicked in, Brahmas were highly valued for their meat as well as egg production. Conservation Status: recovering Eggs: medium to large, brown
  15. Welsummer
    Welsummers are a dual-purpose breed from Holland named after the town of Welsum . They were first imported to America in 1928. The famous Kellogg's rooster was a Welsummer. Welsummers lay dark chocolate brown eggs that are often speckled. They have docile, sweet temperaments. Conservation Status: N/A Eggs: large, chocolate brown
  16. Norwegian Jærhøns
    The Jærhøns or Norske Jærhøns is the only indigenous breed of domestic chicken in Norway. The Jærhøns was listed as a "conservation-worthy national breed" by the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute in its 2008–2010 action plan for the conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources in Norway. Conservation Status: study Eggs: medium to large, white
  17. Turken
    Easygoing and easily tamed, Turkens originated in Transylvania and is also known as the the Transylvanian Naked Neck. Despite their appearance, Turkens are not a cross between a chicken and turkey. Conservation Status: study Eggs: medium, light brown